Paul Freeman Photographer

Paul Freeman
home / exterior / interiors I / interiors II / cityscapes / details / living / about+contact


About the photographer

I am a photographer specialising in architecture and interiors, based to the west of London in the UK. I work for architects, developers, 3D companies, advertising and marketing agencies , magazines, suppliers, letting agents, government agencies, charities, housing associations, churches and many other types of customer. I have photographed projects in the UK and internationally.

I provide a high quality, fast and reliable service and am able to deal with complex and challenging assignments.

Many of the photographs on this site are available for stock photography uses.

I provide commissioned photography of exteriors and interiors, fine art and display prints for exhibition, stock photography site and progress photography, shots for use in visualisations, pre-masked images for use in visualisation, display prints, film and digital post processing, digital consultancy. Check my blog for architectural photography information, useful links and resources.


Contact Details

t / +44 (0)7973 165 360

e /


  © Paul R W Freeman 2000-2022 All rights reserved

contact details Contact me on my mobile +44 (0)7973 165 360 or email me at paul at, remembering to place the word at with the @ symbol.